- Experienced forwarder
- Total solutions for transport
- Personal approach
- Flexible and reliable
Certification of products, processes, management systems and persons is a transparent way to make your organisation more efficient, safer, manageable and sustainable, and above all, to open the way to quality improvement.
1. Certainty for customers. Your customers can rely on the fact that your management system, process or product meets the relevant (international) requirements and conditions. This also means that fewer checks are necessary.
2. Efficient, well-organised organisation. Thanks to certification, your business operations will become more transparent, more efficient and easier to control. It clearly maps out all the aspects within your organisation and makes it clear in which areas you can improve your operational management. That overview makes your organisation more manageable. You can steer for improvements at the management level.
3. Involvement and efficiency of employees. Because all parts of your work process are mapped out, your employees work much more efficiently. Error recovery is limited to a minimum. As a result, they enjoy their work more and are more involved.
4. Confidence with the competent authority. Certification prevents discussions with the competent authority about whether or not you comply with the correct laws and regulations. With your certificate, you can obtain a permit for the essentials.
Authorised Economic Operator (AEO)
Companies that participate in international trade can apply to Customs for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status. Such a certificate offers them all kinds of advantages in international trade. For instance, Customs grants various facilities for physical customs checks to companies with AEO status.
Enterprises that would like to qualify for an AEO status must meet a number of criteria. The AEO status and the guidelines for granting the status are based on the Community Customs Code and its implementing regulation. There are three types of AEO certificates:
Customs simplification certificate
The Security and safety certificate
a combined Customs simplification and Security and safety certificate
The degree to which an enterprise is granted facilities for control depends on the type of certificate the role that a company fulfills within the logistics chain.
Transport en Logistiek Nederland (TLN) is the largest and leading representative of interests in freight transport and logistics services. TLN represents the interests of its more than 6,000 members (ranging from small transport companies to large logistics service providers). TLN provides a comprehensive individual service package and provides the collective representation of interests, both nationally and internationally. The TLN headquarters is located in Zoetermeer, also there are 5 regional offices across the country. TLN has 118 employees.
TLN was founded in 1993 after a merger of Road Transport CVO (originated from PCB and KVO) and NOB Wegtransport. This made TLN the largest entrepreneurs' organization. On 1 January 2011, TLN merged with KNV Goederenvervoer (GVN).
The certificate is an official confirmation that DNA complies with all rules and laws when it comes to storing organic products. Every company that does anything with organic products is required to hold this certificate. It is only issued by the Skal Biocontrole Foundation, which ensures that everything in the organic sector is done according to the rules.
This certificate shows confirmation of our efforts to store organic products in the most careful and responsible way. As a logistics service provider, we are an important link in the organic production chain and the SKAL certificate shows that we take this role seriously.